The Voter Base
Hi Aussie Insider
We are a small group of Australian Patriots who have either lost or currently have family members serving in the Australian Military and this is our submission.
We have been investigating the rise of anti-sentiments regarding free speech, political correctness, identity politics and immigration. It came as a surprise for some of us to discover the origin of this movement and its correlation with the recent governmental screw-up when voting on One Nation's "It's OK to be white" motion in parliament.
It seems this origin is a well known, established fact across the world, particularly in Europe and more recently in America. At the Armistice Centenary on November 11, President Emmanuel Macron of France best summed up our feelings on the matter when he said:
"Nationalism is the exact opposite of patriotism ... a betrayal of patriotism. By saying 'our interests first, who cares about the others' we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values"
Without further ado, we will uncover what we have discovered to be unfolding right here in Australia, on this current government's watch. We have divided our research into four parts for easier reading.

Part 1 - Stop The Boats!
Of particular concern is the government's unlawful approach to immigration. As we have seen with the recent #KidsOffNauru protests, many decent Australians are more than ashamed of our international reputation as law-breakers, child abusers and torturers etc.
But more concerning is the other proportion of Australians who are particularly proud of this barbaric policy and the government should look proudly upon the voter base it is appealing to. Below is a sample of comments copied from just one single refugee's page, covering only 3 posts reporting on apparent self-harm and other current events on Manus Island and Nauru.
For the multitude of Australians who only go there to insult, threaten and torment the guy, this sample appears to be "normal (government endorsed) behavior".
Many comments were unsuitable for publication; such as encouragement to suicide, vile images being shared of pedophiles-in-action and gang-rapes etc as well as other comments like conspiring to 'shoot them in the head' if they come here.
As can be seen briefly, if anybody attempts to counter their attacks, they also turn on their own fellow Australians. Some attacks are delivered in private and include threats to shoot and kill 'advocates'.
Note: All commenters have posted on a public page for the entire world to see, so any claims they may wish to make about entitlement to privacy became void the moment they chose to post publicly. They are each the original authors of the comments displayed here.

A running commentary, without publication censorship, can be viewed on the actual Facebook page - Behrouz Boochani Journalist.
If nothing else, the nature of the above dialogue demonstrates it is high time the government comes clean and tells the truth about its unlawful arbitrary detention regime and its cruel and unusual punishment of innocent people who have been held without charge, without trial and without any evidence of any crime being committed what-so-ever.
One of Aussie Insider's most avid supporters has provided some information to clarify these legal details. You can read the blog-submission here and follow the embedded legal resources to self-discover the inconvenient truths that the Australian Government does not want us to know.
Have the Boats Stopped?
When John Howard started ranting about 'boat people' to garner electoral support for re-opening offshore detention centers, a total of 5 boats (according to the Immigration Department) were intercepted in Australian waters - most notoriously the MV Tampa, a Norwegian freighter which had rescued 433 people from a distressed fishing vessel in international waters - leading to a diplomatic dispute between Australia and Norway.
Since the Pacific Island solution was reinstated, a total of 33 boats have been intercepted and turned around, thus preventing them from being counted as ever having entered Australian waters, none-the-less these numbers have been officially presented at Senate Estimates and provided to the public as official numbers.
These figures demonstrate the boats have not stopped at all, they are simply being intercepted earlier by Border Force. It also demonstrates that punishing the passengers of these vessels is NOT deterring other passengers from fleeing for their lives in this manner. It further demonstrates the people smugglers have not been stopped either, any more than imprisoning drug-takers has stopped drug-dealers.

Under the false premise that 'boat people' have participated in crime by paying to board these illegal vessels, they are detained for a crime that Australia has not charged them with - a crime that Australia, itself, has perpetrated on numerous occasions in order to turn boats towards Indonesian waters.
Dubbed by the media as the 'cash-for-boat-turnback scandal', these were deliberately missed opportunities to arrest and jail people smugglers, who the government claims it wishes to put out of business but is, instead, financing to protect its own national reputation, since nothing it has claimed to date can actually be proven using its own statistical data.
Have Lives Been Saved from Drowning?
In 2015, the International Organisation for Migration recorded 800 deaths in the Southeast Asia region, an area that the Australian Government is largely responsible for. In 2016, IOM reported "migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than last year". By mid 2017, IOM had recorded 298 deaths at sea in the Southeast Asia region.
These figures demonstrate the Australian Government has also failed to save lives, preferring instead to force boats back out to sea where people continue to die in waters not necessarily considered to be Australian.
In fact, the largest single massacre of 'boat people' recorded during the Pacific Island solution was Rohingya refugees, by which the Australian Government has committed our military to assisting Myanmar with it's genocidal ethnic cleansing efforts.