The People Behind The Articles
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Aussie Insider is a free community based news-blog covering a range of topics from current affairs to social politics.
Submissions are peer reviewed before posting in order to match content with the aims and intentions of the website. Authors are strongly encouraged to use pen-names in order to better protect their private information.
We welcome authors from anywhere in the world to contribute on:
Politics - Any poo that might dribble from a politicians lips lacking critical thought
Media - Exposure of any media articles using mojo instead of facts
Social - Any adverse news that effects the average battler or their communities
Activism - Any articles related to wars on minorities, disadvantaged, religion etc
Environment - Any articles covering environmental neglect, abuse, cover-ups etc
Or any other opinion piece worthy of sharing with our readers.
While we welcome good-hearted humor we will draw the line at outright abuse, derogatory insults (unless they're directed at tax-paid-politicians who generally deserve it) or racism of any form.
Disclaimer: The opinions and views of authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the web-site owner.