The Roots Of Australian Nationalism

Part 2 - Australian Nationalism Exposed
When Mr Turnbull was asked "What happened?" on QandA recently, he was unwilling to disclose the truth, instead calling on the Morrison Government to give an account of what happened. To which the Morrison Government has decided the Australian people do not need to know. It has been left up to us to fill the blanks, so here is what we have pieced together from the media so far.
The following information was provided by an Aussie Insider reader, who has painstakingly put together all the media links in this giant jigsaw puzzle.
What Happened to Mal?
Amidst the total disintegration of our federal political sphere, white supremacy has been busily rebranding itself as 'White Nationalism' and has successfully infiltrated our parliament, overthrowing leftist-conservative Malcolm Turnbull in a coup led by far-right media mogul, Rupert Murdoch.
Under the new guise of 'free speech, anti political correctness, anti identity politics, and anti immigration', the rebranded alt-right movement is not entirely secretive about its infiltration into modern politics. Promoted by prominent White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon (among others), the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” event was deliberately designed to reconstitute and rebrand various white supremacy groups under the banner of the “alt-right” to make the movement appear more publicly palatable.
In unison, the Neo-Nazi background chatter termed it "optics cucking", which includes no longer sporting swastika flags, not being violent but rather inciting "leftards" to violence and using the left's own "Free speech" cry against them. Interestingly, this has caused the Neo-Nazi movement to fracture, one side committed to "blood for soil" (aka violence) and the other side committed to "optics cucking" (aka infiltration).
What all the rights have in common, including the Neo-Nazis, is they all do very much secretly:
promote pedophilia
deny the existence of rape-culture
reject feminism of all forms
celebrate that Indigenous bloodlines no longer exist due to Australia's history of Eugenics
protest gender and wage equality
And even goes so far as to suggest women:
should not sit in Parliament
should not vote
should not use birth-control
and should not be entitled to abortion
But what does any of this have to do with the coup that brought Malcolm Turnbull's leadership down in a crumbling heap? In 2017, Malcolm Turnbull stared down the right-wing of his own party which hamstrung his leadership and asserted that the Liberals should be the party of the "sensible centre". That would turn out to be Mr Turnbull's greatest undoing.

Is the White Australia Policy History?
By the time the coup was launched, the Neo-Nazi faction had fully infiltrated the Nationals and had already begun mobilising against Turnbull, citing they were unhappy with the softening of immigration, the perpetration of the sanctity of marriage and the weakening of abortion laws (to name a few).
And, according to the Greens, Scott Morrison and the hard right Peter Dutton/Tony Abbott faction are determined to take politics even more to the radical right, targeting both the mainstream “centre” and hard right.
But we don't really need to take the Greens word for it. We have witnessed for ourselves many of these ideologies being exposed in parliament of late, with Senator Leyonhjelm's very public sexist assault on Senator Hansen-Young under the guise of "freedom of speech', to nearly the entire Government proudly displaying their ideologies when voting for One Nation's white supremacist slogan "It's OK to be White".
Since the so-called administration error was announced as a result of public backlash, NSW Nationals have banned 22 people for life after their own investigation into alleged links to neo-Nazi and fascist groups (with another 13 currently on the chopping block). And apparently, the ringleader of this branch-stacking operation that resulted in dozens of neo-Nazi and white supremacists infiltrating the party won’t be investigated by the organisation’s ethics committee.
Senator Leyonhjelm also invited alt-right’s gay poster-boy Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at Parliament House (video by Liberal Democrats) about protecting free speech, on the email invitation list were the entire floor of parliament although information regarding who actually attended is currently unavailable.
Shortly afterwards, Peter Dutton went against everything he claims to believe in and gave the green light to Anti-Islam YouTuber Lauren Southern, a controversial alt-right extremist with a well known history of public incitement to violence who's UK visa was flatly rejected. The tour's particularly vile rampage on Indigenous Australians was met with some audiences members claiming sexual “arousal”.
Again, Peter Dutton appears to be in favour of Anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson joining violent gang Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes for an Australian tour dubbed “The Deplorables” - despite their history of street riots and blood-shed across UK and America and despite their failure to obtain visas in the US. "All visitors to Australia are expected to obey Australian laws and satisfy the character requirements of the Migration Act," a Home Affairs spokesperson has said.
Q Society’s St Kilda dinner guest list included both Liberals and Conservatives: Senator George Christensen (Liberal/National), Senator Cory Bernardi (Australian Conservatives Leader), Ross Cameron (former Liberal), Kirralie Smith (Australian Conservatives) ... "Let's be honest, I can't stand Muslims" said Larry Pickering, VIP guest speaker.
Clive's Palmy Army is now posting straight up anti-semitic memes. Bob Katter has repeatedly lauded an inflammatory speech by his Senate representative, Fraser Anning, which praised the White Australia policy, called for an end to Muslim migration, and invoked the Hitler term “final solution”.
Watch: Nazis in Sydney with special guest appearance by Dr James Saleam, Leader of Australia First Party.
And Scott Morrison appears to be very familiar with using the left's own arguments against them, the very trademark of white supremacy rebranding. Never mind the fact that the moment his lips moved many Palestinians were killed as a result.
Along with the white supremacy movement, evidence suggests that White Australia Policy is making a come-back, cleverly disguised as Nationalism.
Other Signposts
Anybody watching the new Sky News channel on free-to-air-TV could be forgiven for assuming the White Nationalist movement has the floor there. While the regulator doesn’t seem to mind neo-Nazis on TV, Sky News has still faced public backlash for entertaining them.
It was only after far-right nationalist and Hitler sympathiser Blair Cottrell's rape tweet about a Sky News reporter, that Sky decided to denounce the Cottrell interview it had previously aired, without actually apologising for it.
While the former Labor minister Craig Emerson has quit as a commentator for Sky News as a result of the backlash and the host of the Adam Giles Show (former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory) had his show suspended until October, the Australian Government has since given the green light to Blair Cottrell's mens only, alt-right, neo-Nazi fight clubs in Melbourne and Sydney.
Former Labor leader Mark Latham was fired by Sky News after making gender slurs and attacking fellow female commentators, followed shortly thereafter by former Liberal Party candidate Ross Cameron who was sacked after making racist comments about Chinese visitors to Disneyland.
As a result, the Outsiders program was suspended for 11 days, then continued its run of alt-right controversy with Sky further forced to apologise to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young for comments by her parliamentary colleague, David Leyonhjelm. Despite public backlash, Sky has moved the program to a six-day-a-week format and included the show in its free-to-air news deal with regional broadcaster, WIN.
The articulation of a much more forthright politics of white nationalism (now dubbed permissible racism under the free-speech card), underpinned by the idea that white people, everywhere, are under attack is the catch-cry of News Corp's Rupert Murdoch. In support, Herald-Sun columnist Andrew Bolt penned a column where he listed complaints about nearly every Neo-Nazi pamphlet bullet-point apart from feminism. Fox News’s Tucker Carlson also echoes white nationalist talking points.
The idea of the “demographic replacement” of whites, and a conspiracy to bring it about, are central white supremacy and white nationalist claims.
The Word in Europe
The boundaries of what constitutes ‘extreme’ are being shifted, particularly on social policy issues such as immigration, as the line between right-wing populists, right wing extremists and right-of-centre parties is deliberately blurred.
This movement attempts to penetrate new audiences and mainstream their ideologies by using less extreme groups as strategic mouthpieces. Their aim is the creation of a ‘mass movement’ through the radicalisation of ‘the normies’ (average people who consume ‘mainstream’ media). Far-right radicalisation groups, such as the alt-right, white nationalists, and men’s-rights activists manipulate the mainstream media to amplify their ideas and shape news narratives to their advantage.
And it appears to be working. In Germany and elsewhere (including Australia), younger generations are becoming indifferent to the history of fascism. The rise of holocaust deniers in Australia, led by German-born Australian citizen and founder of the Adelaide Institute Fredrick Töben, can not be ignored - particularly in the case of their infiltration into the major political parties.
A recent study shows that white-supremacist Twitter accounts have increased more than 600 percent since 2012 and outperform ISIS accounts by every possible metric. Like radical Islamists, the far right has developed strategies that exploit the sweet spot between disillusionment and extremism.
The neo-Nazi blog the Daily Stormer hosts a “memetic Monday” where community members create image macros designed to be shared on Facebook and Twitter; these images, which espouse ideas from the openly racist to the mainstream conservative, function as “gateway drugs” to more radical ideas.
Radical alt-right extremism is a hard problem, but it needs to be examined head-on. And we must recognize it in order to effectively confront it.
Across The Globe
Australia appears to be the only country in the world who is not calling this movement what it really is. Could this be because it has already infiltrated our government at the highest levels?
Inside France's Far Right
The Far Right in Germany
Young, Hip and Far Right
Italy's Hipster Fascists
The "most dangerous far-right party"
Meet the young supporters of Sweden's far right
Brazilians Elect A Far-Right Authoritarian
Inside Hungary's far-right movement
Far-right voices get louder in Japan
On patrol with the far-right National Militia