Australia has Stolen Their Voices Too!
First we took away their identity, then we took away their freedom, then we took away their human-ness, then their will to live and now we are stealing away their voices too!
Even the ABC would not publish the open letter written by Manus detainees to the world leaders of the APEC summit in PNG. Not a single Australian media outlet published it. Some commentated on behalf of the detainees just to be extra sure they are not given a voice, because that is what our government has ordered them to do.
But New Zealand is giving them a voice. Not only did New Zealand publish the actual hand-written letter, they also provided it in typed format for legibility. It Reads:
14 Nov 2018
To the political leaders who attend the APEC meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
We are a group of refugees currently living on Manus Island in PNG where we have been exiled by the Australian government since 2013. We have been kept here against our will by the Australian and PNG governments in a prison camp for more than five years. We have been recognised as refugees under the international convention but after years we're still living in limbo without any future. We have been tortured by the Australian and PNG governments and seven of our friends have died because of suicide or medical neglect. Many of us have been damaged mentally and physically by our internment here.
We kindly ask all leaders who are participating in the APEC Summit to include this issue in your meetings while you are in PNG, and put pressure on Australia and PNG to let us free.

What it DOES NOT say is "Let us come to Australia". In fact, any HUMANS who have been given a voice to speak for themselves have all said they don't trust Australia anymore and they do not want to come here now. They just want to be free to move on with their lives elsewhere.
Mocking and Dehumanising Rhetoric
The Morrison Government mocked some of its Nauruan prisoners for not wishing to be traded, like cattle, with Trump's America (some were sent to Texas! THE MOST racist state in the country!).
The Guardian at least published some comments by the NGO who is trying to help them settle in America; they say their families cannot join them there and they wish to be returned to their loved ones.
Other news media reported "They don't want to work" and "They can't get welfare" and a myriad of other untrue statements that are specifically designed to perpetuate the 'economic migrant' myth.
Peter Dutton said "Feeling sorry for the refugees will only start the people smugglers up again", but it's OK to feel sorry for sheep - sheep are animals and we respect animals in Australia.
Bring them to Australia!
No! Listen to THEIR voices, stop speaking for them and over them! They are done with our cruelty and incessant lies, they no longer trust us. That is what happens when you betray humans over and over again for years on end.
Australians are NOT helping them if they're not prepared to listen to THEM speak in THEIR OWN WORDS about their own futures.
We don't get to choose for them. We didn't let them come here so we can't make any decisions for them. They're not on welfare where you simply do as you're told. They're not even in our country so why are we trying to tell them what to do?
By all means, tell your government what you think about their barbaric policies, but quit speaking for those who have already been wronged and have no intention of coming here to be wronged again.
A recent university study revealed Australia is overwhelmingly racist! Face up to reality: Australia is the last place on Earth they should be!
Our government deliberately set out to break them, so they would spread the message throughout the world "Don't go to Australia, they are cruel and can't be trusted!". Mission accomplished, they are now broken and are telling the desired story-line.
Ali Marzouk: I have been mistreated, humiliated, misguided and dealt with unfairly by the Australian immigration.
Why won't we set them free?
Are we really so silly that we think being unable to leave a specific island in the middle of nowhere is "freedom"?
Manus and Nauru have unemployment rates of up to 90%. The local people are also humans, just like Australians. Only 7% of Papuans have access to electricity. Nauruans are on generators because there is no power grid there. They are no more happy about handing out local jobs to foreigners as Australians are.
For some reason we expect them to be more welcoming than we are prepared to be ourselves, when they have nothing at all to share.
Are we so gullible as to think that Border Force is not capable of stopping them from entering the country if they happen to try again?
We are spending considerable tax-dollars on making sure Border Force is capable of that one single task and there is no reason to believe they are not capable or well enough equipped.
Or is it only Peter Dutton who thinks his own Border Force are not capable?
The only possible reason the government could have for not letting them go free is perpetual election material. We have had a decade or more of federal elections where the 'boat people' are thrown around the media landscape with little to no respect for their human-ness or their freedom.
It is time to stop using innocent people for political manipulation! What kind of gutless nation are we if we can't control what our elected government is doing in OUR names?