Coz Doing Time is Not Enough
"A compelling article written without once defending the innocence or guilt of Australia's highest profile political prisoner of the 20th century" - Aussie Insider.
Schapelle Corby's trial by media has interfered with every part of her court trial, appeals, incarceration and parole and now the media further seeks to interfere with her release as well.
Enough already! Guilty or not, she did the time! What difference does her guilt or innocence make now? None what-so-ever, she's done the time and she'll never get it back again. She didn't get special treatment or a get-out-of-jail-free card, she got exactly what society demanded so it's time to move on!
Those who are still not satisfied can only be those who still support the death penalty because that's the only other outcome which could have eventuated. Who might they be?
The main culprits who originally drafted the plot to have Corby murdered by the Indonesian government have been successfully sued for defamation of character. Every single link drawn between the Corby family and any other drug fiends were proved in court to be salacious lies.
It was proved the media paid so-called witnesses to fabricate stories about Corby's family members. Some who wrote the checks came forward, some who were paid to school the witnesses with malicious gossip came forward and some who didn't take the bait exposed the cretins who did.
In fact, the Corby's have been successful in suing several TV stations and news media outlets too. Every time they go before a different court and a different jury, yet more media extortion is exposed. The makers of the telemovie, who used half a million QLD tax-dollars to make it, are the next heads to roll.
It would come as no surprise to many to learn, the media hasn't been content with factual reporting of Corby's trial and appeals. But it may surprise some to learn, it has built a billion dollar empire based on a fictitious story about her family in a blatant attempt to ensure she would be executed.
Even the most recent rumour claiming Corby was offered millions to tell her story smells like another malicious lie fabricated by the media. More likely to be the case is, they offered her money for an interview and she turned them down, so they had to invent something to perpetuate the myths that keep the media-dollars rolling in.

More telling, was the way the media responded when Corby gave them the royal-slip at the airports. They thought they had her cornered and had fixed it so that she would have to give an interview to the first vulture to land on her carcass - for free. Yet again, left with nothing to report, they've now switched the spotlight to the origin of her apparent wealth which enabled her to escape them.
What hasn't been widely reported is the millions in defamation compensation paid to her family to date, without Corby having said a word. And, if the family are smart they'd be keeping quiet and using the payouts to fund the next libel case, and the next, until the media has paid more in compensation than it is making from its mythical story plot.
The most telling of all, is the Australian government's softening on its UN commitments to raise the standard of world living by, among other international objectives, abolishing the death penalty.
The conspiracy between four consecutive governments to ensure Corby (and the Bali-Nine) were sacrificed in an international blood-ritual to protect trade relations made clear the position that the lives of Australian citizens come last in the order of government priorities.
This is the part Australian's should be worried about.