The Silent Rulers of Our Country

In short, it's mining magnates and big pharma who pull all the punches at the top. They've been getting the last say on almost everything, including our democratically elected governments.
According to the ANU, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd led the last newly-elected government to enjoy a high level of popularity among Australians. And, as most of us might recall, he was taken down by the mining magnates for daring to charge them climate-tax.
Apparently, confidence in the government is the lowest it has ever been since the mining magnates took down Whitlam for giving good mining land back to its indigenous owners.
From those two points in time to now, Aussie Insider tracked the mining magnates and big pharma footprints all over the internet and this is what we found.
As the name suggests, this is a non-negotiable human-experiment policy that basically means, if you're on any type of family payments, you don't get the freedom of choice to care for your own family's health. That's a privilege specifically reserved for middle to high income earners. So who's behind it?
Having previously been Chairman of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Biotechnology from 2001-2002, the Prime Minister's wife Lucy Turnbull now chairs ASX listed Prima Biomed Ltd, a biotechnology company registered in NSW that develops immunotherapeutic products, otherwise known as vaccines.
In her previous roles as Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney from 2003-2004 and, prior to that, Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney from 1999-2003, Mrs Turnbull was in charge of the application approvals of many notorious Kings Cross child-prostitution business fronts. It's probably safe to assume she's no stranger to shady dealings involving the young and vulnerable.
Together with her husband's shares in media-mogul Kerry Packer's pornography empire (ie: being the men who brought Brooke Shields and Eva Ionesco's 10 year old naked bodies to Australian readers in Heffner's Playboy), Mr and Mrs Turnbull have set the stage to push experimental vaccines, such as the highly controversial sex vaccine HPV, onto vulnerable, unwilling participants.
Newstart Drug Testing
This is another non-negotiable human-experiment policy where any positive flag will result in termination of Newstart payments. If the objective was truly to ID and help long-term addicts, as suggested by the government, the hair is the best indicator as it reliably records many years of chemical footprints. However, that is obviously not the objective as saliva tests are being used. So, who's behind it?
Having already served as then shadow treasurer Mr Turnbull's Senior Economic Adviser from 2008-2010 and hired again by Prime Minister Mr Turnbull in 2015, Dr Alex Robson is also the director of Onsite Diagnostics Pty Ltd, a limited-shares company also registered in NSW, which manufactures and distributes drug and alcohol testing products for the government and mining industries.
Robson's involvement with Australia's two most prominent right-wing think tanks and Wollongong's billion dollar research institution SMART Infrastructure Facility, indicates he is most likely one of the leading brainchild's (thus a royalty recipient) of the drug and alcohol testing products supplied to the Australian market.
Other search results for several details, such as ABNs and addresses etc, strongly suggest Mr Turnbull, the richest Prime Minister to ever govern the country, also owns major shares in Onsite Diagnostics.
The Cashless Welfare Card
Again, this is a non-negotiable punitive policy specifically designed to remove financial independence from Australia's indigenous peoples. So who's behind it?
Indue Ltd is an Authorised Deposit Taking Institution owned by credit unions and is the supplier of the debit cards. Turnbull is also a Delegate for the Baptist Union of Victoria whose credit union (Baptist Financial Services) has been using the Indue debit card to distribute Baptist World Aid since Turnbull was shadow treasurer.
As we well know, Turnbull originally went into banking with Gough Whitlam's son and found himself turfed out again just before Baptist Financial Services teamed up with Indue so it's highly likely one, or both, of these entities are where Turnbull shuffled his investments after the falling-out.
Minderoo Foundation's chairman, mining magnate Andrew Forrest - who has no qualifications in indigenous (or any other) health, is not a member of parliament and has publicly deposed indigenous welfare - is the architect and a primary beneficiary of the card.
Not surprisingly, Forrest reneged on his $5.5b ore mine's native title arrangements and in retaliation for the battle he's been locked into for the past decade with the traditional land owners, he presented the card in parliament as a key recommendation in a review he led for then Prime Minister Tony Abbott on indigenous alcohol-related violence, drug addiction and unemployment.
Sealed with a spiteful $400 million non-indigenous charity deal - described by Turnbull as the "the biggest single philanthropic gift" in Australian history, and the largest donation by a living Australian - Forrest is now calling on the federal government to roll out the card to all welfare recipients under the age of 18.
The Movement Against Renewables
This is a set of policies that have come about due to the government's last stitch attempt to recreate the mining boom which saw us through the last global recession in surplus.
Ten years ago, Turnbull backed an effective global response to climate change (such as carbon tax and emissions reduction), so what happened? Well... gee... there is no simple way to put this:
[... deep breath] Howard lost to Kevin Rudd, who ran promising to ratify the UN's Kyoto protocol on climate change. Turnbull became the party leader in opposition, but after backing a policy to price carbon, lost to Tony Abbott in a leadership coup. Rudd was knifed by Julia Gillard, with Rudd's backsliding on climate policy helping to sharpen the blade. Gillard won an election, introduced a carbon price, but Rudd retook the leadership and then lost an election to Abbott. Abbott repealed the carbon price, but then lost the leadership to Turnbull, who then won an election [... and breathe]
And budda-boom-budda-bing, now we've got "clean coal"! And there's no guessing who is behind it. Most of the Prime Minister's senior advisory team and nearly all of his industry advisers are well-known, extreme right, climate skeptics.
And then there's the usual mining magnates who fancy themselves as members of parliament, like Forrest and co; the silent men behind the Rudd leadership coup.
One thing is certain, the movement against renewables is not supported by more than 80% of Australians. The only people who believe in clean coal are those who invented it and those who are working in the industry.
It is the punitive policies that came out of the whole mess that are of most concern to all Australians.
Protest Laws
These punitive measures were put in place to protect the 1% of extractive industry owners against the 80% of Australians opposed to clean coal. Besides the obvious, who else is behind it?
From the 1979 Terania Creek blockade that marked the beginning of environmental non-violent direct action in Australia through the 1980s, the extractive industries decided that protesters were feral extremists. In support, the Australian Journal of Mining ran a column called 'Know your enemy' which railed at greens and Aboriginal land rights activists.
In response to the 1991 decision to ban uranium mining at Coronation Hill, addressing the Adam Smith Institute, mining magnate Hugh Morgan warned
"This decision will undermine the moral basis of our legitimacy as a nation, and lead to such divisiveness as to bring about political paralysis. …. The implications of it will, inevitably, permeate through the entire body politic, and cause, imperceptibly, like some cancerous intrusion, a terminal disability."
Throughout the 1990s there were (unfounded) claims of environmental terrorism in Tasmania. In early 2012, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that ASIO
"has been providing intelligence to the federal government on environmental groups that campaign against coal-mining."
Mining impresario Clive Palmer then pitched in, claiming
"Greens and the environmental group Greenpeace were tools of the CIA in a plot to undermine Australia's coal exports".
In 2013, then president of the Australian Coal Association, Nikki Williams, gave a speech at the Sydney Institute which spoke of anti-coal activists and 'fundamentalist eco-activism', drawing a distinction between local people seeking answers and
"political campaigners, whose only objective, by whatever means and on the basis of whatever cause, is to extinguish the industry."
In early 2014, Andrew Bolt and Judith Sloan both claimed there were anarchists and eco-terrorists running amok. Later the same year, Queensland MP George Christensen stated that anti-coal protesters were 'terrorists' and 'green germs'.
In 2015, the federal government released a booklet for schools called 'Preventing Violent Extremism and Radicalisation in Australia' which provides an example of a fictitious character named 'Karen', a sweet well-meaning lass who became a green Jihadi Jane because she cared too much about environmental destruction.
At the beginning of 2016, Santos CSG project urged the government to target eco-fascists after approx. 30 protests against fracking at their Leewood facility.
By mid 2016, no explanation was needed; the enemy was simply called a "protester" and it now includes farmers, knitting nanna's, university students and even small children.
It's fairly evident the government isn't framing the community as terrorists in the best interest of the community, nor is it representing the people who elected it.
Update on Renewables
Yet more coordinated attacks from the silent rulers unvielled this week, resulting in draft legislature to set standards that may effectively ban lithium-ion batteries from the home user.
The Conservatives recently rebooted attacks on wind and solar energy, claiming it will "kill people". Chiming in, energy minister Josh Frydenberg is railing against Elon Musk's "bulldust boutique batteries" while the Murdoch media busily picks apart the new carbon emissions scheme on cars.
Resources Minister Mat Canavan urged the government to "forget about climate change" while the LNP considers making a motion to quit the Paris agreement.
Meanwhile, the Murdoch media is claiming the Finkel report on climate change is a "blue-print for destruction" and other media is calling for climate change advocates to be "run out of town".
On social media, one concerned citizen writes
"Guess who is owned by Coal?"
To which another replies
"The Coal-ition".