Aboriginal Children Are Not The Problem
Contrary to divisively complex literature produced by the government, the obviously simple "gap" that plagues Australia is:
We still have 80 year old judges and ministers enacting 200 year old christian-based convict rituals while presiding over the lives of children as young as 10 in the nonsecular 21st century.
That our leaders have stubbornly refused to come up with any other solution for the past 250 years, than incarcerating more children at increasingly younger ages, is testimony to a whole lot more than the convict mind-set that still runs this country.
The problem is not abOriginal children. The problem is, the best any adult can up with is yet more reasons to persecute children over the many social complexities created by adults long before the children were even born.
Irrespective of their cultural heritage, children are children and all they live, laugh and love exactly the same - even when they're naughty. Continually suggesting abOriginal children are a unique problem to which a unique solution is required is an overused, age-old excuse to segregate.
Recent supreme court battles over child detention at Victoria's Barwon Max facility are a good example of these age-old christian rituals and double-standards in action.
Last year human rights lawyers spent tens of thousands of dollars and the best part of 24 months obtaining justice for the abOriginal children who were detained at Barwon, and now they've been forced to start all over again, from scratch, to bring about justice for the non-aboriginal children as well.
Not-with-standing, human science experiments performed in the 50's and 60's proved, conclusively, that isolating any child, not only from the community and education, but also from the essential human needs of nurturing and physical affection is detrimental to both the child and the community to which they are returned to.

And those communities who demand children be removed from the community are, in effect, demonstrating the very anti-social behaviour they claim to oppose. Wait.. what are we doing again?
Anti-social communities are demanding children who reflect anti-social behaviour be treated with anti-social mechanisms that only serve to institutionalise anti-social behaviour.
That's the reality of the issue. Our government stands up on a podium every year at the international human rights review and defends its ritual abuse of children as something Australian society demands of it.
And while we remain in the mind-set that the only way to deal with naughty children is to throw them in a concrete cell and toss away the key - or worse still, to throw them in a cell with a convicted murderer/rapist/criminal adult - atrocities against children will continue to be our international embarrassment.