Forty Corruption Inquiries Down the Track
Australia has held some 40 probes into corruption over the past two decades and about all we know is a ton of top-ranking officials have been taking bribes and black-mailing each other for who-knows-how-long. What we're not told is exactly WHAT is so important to them that is worth millions of dollars in extortion.
Aussie Insider investigates the nitty-gritty details connecting some of the key probes during this time.
The Hunting Grounds
Although seemingly unrelated, anyone who was paying attention pre US elections would have heard of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's Orgy Island.
The plot escalated when the Clintons were implicated in visiting the island on dozens of occasions, and then escalated again when Anthony Weiner's laptop was seized by the FBI.
And then independent investigator and TV Show host Dr Phil blew the lid off the can of worms, exposing the FBI's direct involvement with an unnamed viscous, baby-breeding, murderous, ritual abuse, child-pedophile network, in which the interviewee described Orgy Island as just one place in the world where children are hunted like animals and some are even killed.
In fact, to date, some 10 different countries with connections to this vile network have been exposed, including Australia, Germany, Norway, Canada and Italy. And many other other child-hunting grounds have also been identified including Bohemian Grove, Cibolo Creek Ranch and even Westminster Castle.
Once the story broke, heads were bound roll and Comey's was obviously the first to go on the chopping block. In fact, during his first 100 days of office, Trump took down more than 100 of these monsters, including lawmakers, judges, mayors and members of the military, who otherwise flew under the radar for more than 50 years.
Meanwhile in the UK, the same scandal was unfolding and not surprisingly since Dr Phil's interviewee also implicated a member of Royalty. Much like the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, the UK precursor was the infamous Jimmy Savile scandal where 589 victims and 200 witnesses came forward, revealing intricate links between Savile, Epstein and several other members of the Royal Family.
Spies Lords and Predators: 60 Minutes Australia
One clue to Australia's initial link to the VIP pedophile network was related to the Bohemian Grove hunting grounds, when former Australian Ambassador to the US and Minister for Foreign Affairs attended the event on tax-payer dollars in 2012.
The Recruitment Process
Dr Phil's interviewee, Kendall (an alias given to protect her), and numerous victims from different countries, have explained that not all children trapped within the network are recruited. Kendall, recruited at 5, says she was secretly impregnated and has given birth to two children 'off-the-record'.
Presumably, it is these specifically bred children who dozens of victims the world over have witnessed being brutally murdered during the ritual abuse ceremonies, hunting parties and orgies of the elite.
There's no saying how many children or breeders are currently trapped and hidden in basements around the world, or how many have been killed or even how long this murderous assault has been going on for (some historians suggest 'centuries').

There's a damning amount of evidence coming to light in Australia, suggesting many children who were recruited over the past 30 years or more were routinely provided to the pedophile-cabal by institutions and churches. Current investigations confirm many were also recruited (or sold) by their own family members. And there's no saying how many were simply plucked off the street and remain missing today.
Other predatory recruitment tactics are well known. Jeffrey Epstein's social recruiting base seemed some what haphazard and opportunistic compared to Jimmy Savile, who recruited some 1000 victims from almost two dozen hospitals that he and Prince Charles had charity ties to.
The key clue to Australia's involvement in this brutal network is the rampant existence of elite pedophilia in Australia which arose in government during the late 60's and early 70's.
The Pedophile Information Exchange
Contrary to first glance, the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) is not a special branch of child-protection. Quite the opposite in fact.
PIE emerged in the early 70's in response to over a decade of public attacks on the Australian Lewis Carroll Collectors Guild and Peter Pan Club, members of which came under fire for proudly engaging in homosexual activity.

At a time when gay-pride hit the streets and was just beginning to gain traction, the rich pedophiles surfed the back of gay awareness almost completely unnoticed and, as the public face of the gay movement, almost certainly funded much of it.
During the late 60's, the somewhat poor gay communities were always supportive of changing the 'age of consent' laws in order to protect gay-adult couples of varying ages from prosecution.
However, the elite pedophiles financially powering the movement took it one step too far, demanding incest be abolished and the age of consent be lowered to four years old. As they began to fracture from the gay movement, they changed their demands to lowering the 'age of consent to ten years of age' in the hope of regaining acceptance within the gay communities.
By the early 70's, the gay communities had ousted the predatory pedophiles, who were then forced to take up their own 'coming-out' struggle from scratch.
The founder of the Pedophile Information Exchange in Australia was an Adelaide barrister who was one of the founding members of the Peter Pan Club in Australia, leader of the SA Communist Party of Australia and, later, a judge to the Supreme Court of South Australia.
The Adelaide barrister was joined by a Surrey Hills Christian Center pastor, another founding member of the Peter Pan club who also founded the pseudo-church The Assembly of God (which later morphed into Hillsong Church).
As such, the Communist Party of Australia and the church formed a “united front” for organized pedophilia, resulting in the formation of PIE.
PIE then infiltrated UK's National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), supposedly in support of the gay movement, but was later found to be damaging to gay rights and was officially disbanded in the UK in 1984 [read more...].
The Protection Process
Leading up to the formation of PIE in Australia, two related Royal Commissions were held.
The first was the Brisbane National Hotel Royal Commission in 1963 where Justice Harry Talbot Gibbs found no impropriety, even though schoolchildren across Brisbane knew what went on behind the National Hotels doors [read more...].
Another decade would pass as the network gained momentum and claimed more victims.
The NSW Moffitt Royal Commission into organised crime in licensed clubs came about in 1973 where, again, Justice Athol Moffitt found no impropriety, even though a member of parliament was known to be actively engaged in child-prostitution, racketeering, bribery and extortion.
Protected by the Royal Family's network by Letters Patent, Australia's branch flourished unhindered.
In 1982 the independent Fitzgerald Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct in QLD inadvertently exposed an elaborate, multi-million dollar scheme of kickbacks from illegal activities including child-prostitution, yet no charges were ever laid for child-sex-abuse or human-trafficking.
As far as can be ascertained, the network continued to operate for another decade.
In 1995 Justice James Wood, whose connection to the pedophile-network would remain a secret for another 20 years, was appointed to the Royal Commission into NSW Police corruption. Wood explained his own reasoning for not following up any leads at that time as, essentially: a bunch of baseless claims made by hysterical women.
For at least another decade, the network continued to operate under the radar.
In 2004 the Australian Crime Commission also refused to look into, yet more, victim complaints. As was noted by the Speaker of the South Australian Parliament: "[victims/witnesses] were being ‘bumped off – that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I or the people who were helping me could get them to write down their allegations".
More than a decade would pass before the network would come under the spotlight again.
In 2013, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse commenced. However, as we are now witnessing, members of parliament and the judiciary are still protected and the promised action relating to the VIP network has been thrown out and the victims ridiculed.
The Cover-Up Process
Many life-long prisoners/breeders who have since escaped describe it as a pyramid network with many layers in the hierarchy, the royal families of numerous countries at the top.
It is estimated some 200 or more Australian children were hand-selected by the top-most elite pedophiles over the past two decades to be prostituted at high-level black tie events, political events, sporting events and hunting parties all over the world.
They further describe what we are seeing today is hundreds upon hundreds of seemingly unrelated lower-profile pedophiles getting their comeuppance for failing to keep their charges in line or failing to keep their houses in order.
And it's by no means a casual oversight that every investigation for the past 50 years has been chaired by, or advised by, a higher-order member of the Catholic Church - even the victims of the current commission are being coached by a Vatican Appointed Dame.
As historical providers/recruiters, the over 350,800 children suspected to be in Catholic child mass graves sites in just three countries pales in number to over ten million Catholic Priest sex abuse victims across the globe (up to 2013), or the estimated ninety million who have not come forth yet.
Given the free reign described in this article, it wouldn't be difficult to presume there are now enough children and breeders held prisoner at the top levels of the hierarchy to throw the Churches under the bus and give the crowd something to cheer for.
Which, as dutiful citizens of our country, we will do for at least another ten years before we realise we haven't even come close to cutting the head off this insidious snake that has taken up residence in our parliament and judiciaries for the best part of two centuries.